Image of the Day- Monday Morning Coffee!

What a great weekend! And now on to another week and the dreaded Monday Morning- but I am having my coffee- getting ready for work and thinking what a wonderful life I have.

For your Monday morning- the beautiful Vikki from a recent “inked” shoot for Art & Soul Photography Project.

Model: Vikki Fahrenheit
Hair- Virginia Green
MU- Stefeney Paige


Image of the Day- Friday Fantasy!

Thank god- the weekend is finally here!- It has been a long week, first week of trying to get my healthy side back- which means no alcohol… which equates to no wine at night for me after dinner. But on the good side- I do feel much better and hopefully this will continue to a better healthy me.

This image is of the sexy ballerina and Dick DeLite from the recent “Inked” shoot for Art & Soul Photography Project- enjoy!

Model: Vikki Fahrenheit
Hair- Virginia Green
MU- Stefeney Paige

Model- Dick DeLite
Hair- Virginia Green
MU- Unikly Loved MUA


Image of the Day- Classic

From the Inked shoot on Saturday- this one is of the Ballerina Vikki Fahrenheit. We had so much fun with her and she was so graceful and beautiful.

This particular image does not show much of the ink- but I love it anyway.

Model: Vikki Fahrenheit
Hair- Virginia Green
MU- Stefeney Paige
Group- Art & Soul Photography Project
Studio- Wonderland Studios


Image of the Day – Just Dance!

Day 4 of the celebration of the very special models I work with and today the showcase is on Caitlin Litzinger.  I met Caitlin in June last year at a Southern California Photographers Association meet up- the theme was Dark & Sexy and I still don’t know how Rayma got her hair as high as it was.  The main thing I noticed about Caitlin that day was the way she commanded a room when she walked in, besides the fact that she was drop dead gorgeous.  Since that day we have had many shoots together, many adventures and each & every one is just so much fun.  From shooting her Burlesque troup, The Dirty Little Secrets Burlesque at the Whiskey A Go Go to my propping pillows under her tush at a meet up- this was truly one of the highlights of 2014.  Caitlin was with me and Afreeman Photography for the first shoot of 2015- what a great day yesterday.  And this image is from the shoot- the term “Just Dance” reminds me, life if short- make each day your own even if you are the only one “dancing”- Caitlin, love you girl-
