Image of the Day- Beaches

esterday we spent a few hours at the beach with our North County Photographers & Models meet up group- we had a lot of new models come and this one in particular really reminded me of Natalie Portman in her early days. We had one model that was so eager to get in the water, it was just fun watching her play and have so much fun herself. One thing about living in Southern California, you can go to beautiful beaches and enjoy the beauty of the sun reflecting on the water and if you happen to have a beautiful bunch of models with you… even better! I used Mike Menegus’ D7000 yesterday, which was fun to step away from the D-90 for a bit. Enjoy your Sunday all!


Image of the Day – Smoke Gets in your Eyes

Today’s image is a landscape shot taken by Ron which we tried for several hours to get and honestly still never really got the shot we wanted. The things about volcano activity on an island, it makes for “Vog” and pretty much messes with the sunsets daily. In this image you can see the “smoke” effect in the foreground of the water and then the background the water is still rough. We were climbing all over crazy jutted black lava with tripods trying to get in the sweet spot and with the high tide coming in- one wrong move and you are toast!   Enjoy!


Image of the Day – Zen

For some reason trees are my Zen- and while in Hawaii there was one tree in particular that simply yelled out to me when we were driving down to the ruins of a village from long ago.  Tracy pulled the car over and I took the shot- the beautiful tree combined with the crazy blue sky that day and the wheat like grass was a fabulous way to end the trip to the Big Island.  Now today as I go out to fight the crazy crowd to get a few last minute gifts…I will focus on my beautiful zen like tree.  Happy Saturday all!!


Image of the Day- Some Beach

I feel very cold this morning so felt like something from the beach would warm me up!   In just two weeks we will be in Hawaii celebrating our anniversary and will most definitely have my toes in the sand chilling. Which is funny considering where I live and the beach access within an hour. I hope you enjoy your start to the holiday week- and keep warm!

South Island NZ 025-Edit

Image of the Day – Missing You

I will be shooting Fairies dancing & play in the park today… how are you spending your day?  🙂  My husband has been working out of town for 2 weeks and finally coming home tomorrow.  So today my image of the day is one that he took on our honeymoon last year in Maui.  I hope you all enjoy your Saturday-


Image of the Day – California Dreaming

Living in California has it’s advantages- especially in the summertime when the ocean is warm. Back a couple of weeks ago, the Inland Empire Models & Photographers Group had a meet up shoot under the pier in Oceanside. It was a beautiful afternoon/evening and the sunset did not disappoint. While taking this session with Breann Lynn, at one point she rolled over on her back and realized there were numerous people on the pier looking down at us and watching her. It was quite funny. Enjoy your Tuesday everyone!


Image of the Day – California Sunsets

I have seen quite a few sunsets in my life and still am just so amazed by the beauty of them. One of the best things about living in Southern California is being able to actually take the time to drive to one of the beach towns and just enjoy the sunset. This past Saturday while at a photo shoot at Oceanside, the sunset was so beautiful that it made me stop what I was doing and just enjoy. This image was processed through tone mapping so it does bring out more color- since I am still learning the “sunset” shoot process- I needed a bit of help- hope you enjoy!


Image of the Day – Themed Shoots

This past Sunday we had a themed shoot at the beach for an upcoming magazine whereas the “Day of the Dead” was the theme. One thing about doing a themed shoot is that you need models and photographers who are willing to go out, have fun and get down in the trenches sometimes to get the shot… as you can see, I was working with a very fun group this past weekend because in this shot they are down in the sand, water coming up all around them and yes due to the angle, I as the photographer got drenched as well! 🙂 Enjoy your Tuesday!
