Image of the Day- Monday Morning Coffee!

What a great weekend! And now on to another week and the dreaded Monday Morning- but I am having my coffee- getting ready for work and thinking what a wonderful life I have.

For your Monday morning- the beautiful Vikki from a recent “inked” shoot for Art & Soul Photography Project.

Model: Vikki Fahrenheit
Hair- Virginia Green
MU- Stefeney Paige


Image of the Day- Classic

From the Inked shoot on Saturday- this one is of the Ballerina Vikki Fahrenheit. We had so much fun with her and she was so graceful and beautiful.

This particular image does not show much of the ink- but I love it anyway.

Model: Vikki Fahrenheit
Hair- Virginia Green
MU- Stefeney Paige
Group- Art & Soul Photography Project
Studio- Wonderland Studios
