Image of the Day- Room with a view

Another shot of the Storybook looking castle in Bavaria- this castle has probably had a million images made of it over the years, so why not add one more? The snow was falling like crazy so you see the dark spots in the image, which brings a bit more character to it. I see there is snow again this morning that has blanketed a lot of the U.S.- but here in Southern California, it is raining again outside. Glad I am on the roads early.  Enjoy your Tuesday!



Image of the Day – Day Dreams

For those like me that have never traveled to Germany, this image might surprise you.  I am not quite sure what I expected there- other than a huge area where the beer garden would be in Munich- but thinking about it and how my favorite country on my bucket list being Austria- you would think I would have expected this same type of terrain in Germany.  My boss for my day job took my D90 with him on his 15 year anniversary trip to Switzerland, Germany & Austria- this is one of the first images I have processed from the trip. You can see the castle over to the right side and the mountains surrounding the area.  I hope you enjoy this piece of heaven today- and have a wonderful Wednesday!
