Image of the Day- Door to Opportunity

I love the doors in Europe- heavy, old and full of character! This door was in Austria and decorated from the Christmas holiday. It appears to be a nice restaurant, but can’t confirm since the image itself was taken by my boss and processed by me. Today is Thursday and another weekend is coming up- my how the days pass so fast the older you get. I hope you all enjoy your day and remember to tell those that are special in your life how much you love them.


Image of the Day- Let it Snow!

Overlooking a sleepy snowy area of Austria- the beauty of black & white in photography always shines when there is snow involved. This is the last of the series for the Austria/Germany trip. I hope you have enjoyed them. Happy Hump Day!


Image of the Day – Bavaria

Reading the reports this morning- quite a bit of snow & ice everywhere, except here in San Diego where we have a light rain falling. Getting ready to start another week and up at a crazy time to get that daily workout in. This image was taken in Bavaria and was processed in Topaz- I like it in black & white instead of color just because of the snow in the trees, buildings, etc.

Happy Monday all! Now go out and make a difference.


Image of the Day- Bridge to Somewhere

Another image from the beautiful Swiss city of Lucerne. This features more of the bridge that the town is quite famous for. A few facts about the bridge from Wikipedia:

Since the city straddles the Reuss River where it drains the lake, it has a number of bridges. The most famous is the Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke), a 204 m (669 ft) long wooden covered bridge originally built in 1333, the oldest covered bridge in Europe, although much of it had to be replaced after a fire on 18 August 1993, allegedly caused by a discarded cigarette. Part way across, the bridge runs by the octagonal Water Tower (Wasserturm), a fortification from the 13th century. Inside the bridge are a series of paintings from the 17th century depicting events from Lucerne’s history. The Bridge with its Tower is the city’s most famous landmark.

Here’s to your Saturday and Valentine’s day! For me, I will be spending the evening watching two of my very favorite burlesque performers tonight- Eva Mae Garnet Burly-q​ & Valentina On the Rocks Burlesque​- can’t wait!!


Image of the Day- Cheers!

It is almost the weekend and this image stood out at me last night because of the purple straw in the cup.  🙂  It was the last night in Europe for TJ & Darline and it appears they were toasting not only 15 years of marriage but a successful holiday touring Switzerland, Germany & Austria.  So “cheers” to your Thursday- make it count!


Image of the Day – Day Dreams

For those like me that have never traveled to Germany, this image might surprise you.  I am not quite sure what I expected there- other than a huge area where the beer garden would be in Munich- but thinking about it and how my favorite country on my bucket list being Austria- you would think I would have expected this same type of terrain in Germany.  My boss for my day job took my D90 with him on his 15 year anniversary trip to Switzerland, Germany & Austria- this is one of the first images I have processed from the trip. You can see the castle over to the right side and the mountains surrounding the area.  I hope you enjoy this piece of heaven today- and have a wonderful Wednesday!
