Image of the Day – Poppy Time!

I love the spring and the flowers at this time of the year- so much beauty to enjoy everywhere you look. This was taken long ago at the Botanical Garden in Santa Barbara. I do love California Poppy’s!

Enjoy your Thursday, prelude to the weekend!


Image of the Day- Monday, Monday

This is the last image from Hawaii for a while. Hoping my boss was able to get quite a few nice landscape shots from his trip to Germany with the camera I sent with him. It is Monday again, weekend was too short and I feel like blah…. but getting myself up and around and hope the rest of you have a fabulous day!


Image of the Day- Funky!

This quirky looking plant was found along the path of the Botanical Garden in Hilo- and was so funky looking I just had to take a shot of it.  Today we are heading out for a fun shoot in the park with the theme of Cosplay and then tonight settling in for another nice evening with the Husband.  Was a crazy stressful week and some much deserved downtime is being taken.  Enjoy your Saturday!


Image of the Day- Giving it all to God

We all finally made it to Friday and today my image is for a beautiful friend of mine that is on a very hard journey right now. She is a strong Christian woman and knows this is the journey he has laid out for her. For me, I thank him every day that people were brought back in my life that I had not seen since High School- my life is filled with so much more happiness by them being a part of my every day. Becky, I love you girl- this one is for you.


Image of the Day – Superstar!

This little dude jumped out at me this morning- he said hey lady, it is Friday, I am a star! Show me off!!  So here he is, looking all handsome in his pink suit on this early Friday morning. I am excited as I ordered a new camera for myself- first one that is brand new for me in many many years. Happy Friday all, make it fabulous!


Image of the Day – Here Kitty Kitty

A beautiful flower from the #bigisland called Cat’s Whiskers was one of my favorites- this beauty greeted you at the entrance in to the Hawaii Botanical Garden in #hilo and I just love it. Today is Thursday, prelude to Friday and the weekend- make it your best Thursday yet.


Image of the Day- Growth

Our last day on the Big Island of Hawaii for our annual anniversary trip, while traveling back to Kona, we drove by this huge lava field and I noticed all of these beautiful amber weeds growing through the lava. It really hit me about destruction and re-growth and how it is continuous. I made Tracy pull the car over so I could crawl around on the lava to “get the shot”- blew out my slipper, and of course got new ones! 🙂 Today is Wednesday and a new day in the middle of the week- We are now definitely full into January and I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2015 has in store. Enjoy your Wednesday!


Image of the Day – Deep Purple

It is Monday morning- start of a new week and today this beauty jumped out at me. It is a gorgeous orchid from the Botanical Garden in Hilo and was processed by Afreeman Photography for me to really bring out the deep purple colors.

We had a great Cosplay shoot yesterday with so many wonderful models- I wish I could share some of the images, but we are making them in to a magazine, so soon you can see them all.

Have fab Monday!


Image of the Day- Orange Fantasy

The last flower to share for now- tomorrow we are going to start a week of water-rocks-etc. This beauty was also processed by Afreeman Photography and is one of my absolute favorites. I love the blend of colors and the black tips and looking at it just makes me happy. A few facts about the flower:

Plant Name
Scientific Name: Heliconia psittacorum
Common Names: Parakeet Heliconia, Parrot’s Beak, Parakeetflower, Parakeet Flower, Parrot’s Flower, Parrot’s Plant, False Bird-of-Paradise
Plant Characteristics
Duration: Perennial
Growth Habit: Herb/Forb
Hawaii Native Status: Introduced, Cultivated. This naturalizing ornamental garden plant is native to South America and Trinidad.
Flower Color: Orange, Red, Yellow, Pink, Green, Cream
Flowering Season: Year-round
Height: Up to 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, but often less
Description: The flowers are clustered above two or more colorful, lanceolate floral bracts with a waxy bloom. The individual flowers are 3-angled, narrowly banana-shaped, up to 1 3/4 inches (4.5 cm) long, and have 6 fused tepals and a dark-ringed tip. The flowers are followed by fleshy, rounded, dark blue fruits. The leaves are simple, alternate, long-petioled, and have light green, lanceolate leaf blades. The pseudostems (formed by the leaf sheaths) emerge from underground rhizomes.
The flowers (both the actual flowers and the petal-like bracts) come in a wide variety of cultivated colors and last for weeks as cut flowers in tropical flower arrangements.
Parakeet Heliconia is the most commonly cultivated Heliconia species in Hawaii, and it is escaping from gardens and becoming naturalized along roadsides here.

Merry Christmas Eve!
