Image of the Day- Remember

Our image of the day was taken on a trip to Washington DC in 2010. I had grown up hearing about the Vietnam Memorial and I could not wait to get to see it. It is hard to explain the emotions you feel standing there in front of this- seeing others looking for names of their loved ones. Trying to find your own loved one or one for a friend. The silence, even though there are so many- the heaviness knowing each & every one of these fallen soldiers are the reason your are able to stand there & give them thanks. I hope you enjoy our image today and please give your own silent prayer of thanks for these brave souls.


Image of the Day- TGIF!

This image was taken by my husband and processed by me- I love the look they have on their faces.

It has been a very long week and will be a packed weekend of shoots including the 50 Year celebration for South Bay, Zombie shoot and then a Vintage Burlesque shoot.

Have a great Friday and stay safe out there in the rain So Cal- it is much needed but man you guys don’t know how to drive in this stuff!


Image of the Day – Slow Boat!

You can’t get any where in life if you don’t put your boat in the water. Met a lot of interesting people this past weekend at Viva Las Vegas and now am ready to get myself to the grindstone for the next few months. Today is Monday, start of a new week and start of a new day- I hope you take every opportunity to make this day legendary.

This was shot at the research center off the ZZYXZ exit close to the California/Nevada border. Always saw the funky exit and never took the opportunity to explore. Lots of interesting things to see, memories made and a few shots taken.



Image of the Day- Saturday Solitude

Another image from Sedona, this one is from the upper part of Oak Creek- I have done this hike every time I go to Sedona whether it is winter, summer, spring, fall and each time it is different and just as beautiful as the time before. This particular time it was quite challenging for me & Maiko to navigate due to so much ice under the snow. I recall loosing something, maybe my sunglasses? But doesn’t really matter at this point- the memories made last forever and I do love the few images I was able to obtain.

Enjoy & get out in the sunshine today- it is beautiful and much better than being cooped up in the house!


Image of the Day- TGIF!

Yes it is Friday again and as I get older those Friday’s seem to come faster & faster. Another image from Sedona, same area as yesterday but showing more of the beautiful Oak Creek and the rambling through the red rocks in the beauty of winter time. 

Have a fabulous Friday!


Image of the Day- Streets of San Francisco

During the conference this past weekend, we had an afternoon that we were actually able to explore some of the cool areas of San Francisco- along the way there people selling everything from knitted beanies that I was assured would protect me from the birds – to the artists that sketch you, performers, etc. Due to my obsession with Johnny Depp- this one caught my eye as well as made it to my camera. Thank you again to San Francisco Insurance Professionals for their hospitality.


Image of the Day- Red

One of the most beautiful places on this planet is Sedona, AZ.  I have been there many times and each time my mind & body get completely refreshed.  The beauty of the rocks, sunset, creeks, sunrise- pink jeeps traveling everywhere- the spirit that just grabs you the minute you get to town.  This image is from my last trip there with my best friend Maiko- we were at Broken Arrow enjoying the snowstorm from the night before mixed with the beauty of the red rocks.  Hope you enjoy for your Tuesday!


Image of the Day- Door to Opportunity

I love the doors in Europe- heavy, old and full of character! This door was in Austria and decorated from the Christmas holiday. It appears to be a nice restaurant, but can’t confirm since the image itself was taken by my boss and processed by me. Today is Thursday and another weekend is coming up- my how the days pass so fast the older you get. I hope you all enjoy your day and remember to tell those that are special in your life how much you love them.
