Image of the Day- Remember

Our image of the day was taken on a trip to Washington DC in 2010. I had grown up hearing about the Vietnam Memorial and I could not wait to get to see it. It is hard to explain the emotions you feel standing there in front of this- seeing others looking for names of their loved ones. Trying to find your own loved one or one for a friend. The silence, even though there are so many- the heaviness knowing each & every one of these fallen soldiers are the reason your are able to stand there & give them thanks. I hope you enjoy our image today and please give your own silent prayer of thanks for these brave souls.


Image of the Day- Rosecrans flags

Since 4th of July is a 3 day holiday weekend- thought I would stick to the patriotic theme for the entire weekend.  This shot was taken a few years back at Rosecrans National Cemetary- they put the flags on each & every grave and when you are there watching them all blowing in the wind showing respect for the service men & women buried there- it is a beautiful thing.  Enjoy!
