Image of the Day- Envy Sage

Another image from the “Inked” shoot this past weekend- Envy and the Mushroom chair. I love the colors in her tattoo and the beauty of it- and of course her legs go forever! Look for more of her in the coming months!

Model- Envy Sage
Hair- Vkat
MUA- Unikly Loved MUA
Group- Art & Soul Photography Project
Studio- Wonderland Studios


Image of the Day- Happiness

Some of us search our entire lives to be happy- some wake up each day and realize that happiness is just a state of being in the moment and taking it all in. True happiness for me is every single day waking up and knowing that I have choices and my husband supports me in all of them. Now maybe I can figure out that one choice should be getting myself back to healthy!

This image was shot of the beautiful Kira at the CAF Airplane Museum in Riverside. I used a vintage process through L/R and NIK software- Nikon D7000 and Tamron 70-300 lens. Enjoy!


Image of the Day – Cowgirl Strong!

Had a blast shooting at a private estate yesterday in Ramona with a great group of models & photographers. The meet up group is “North County Photographers & Models Group” – you should check out some of the upcoming shoots.

I did this processing through Silver Efx a Nik software program to make it very vintage in nature.

Hope you enjoy your Monday!


Image of the Day- Beaches

esterday we spent a few hours at the beach with our North County Photographers & Models meet up group- we had a lot of new models come and this one in particular really reminded me of Natalie Portman in her early days. We had one model that was so eager to get in the water, it was just fun watching her play and have so much fun herself. One thing about living in Southern California, you can go to beautiful beaches and enjoy the beauty of the sun reflecting on the water and if you happen to have a beautiful bunch of models with you… even better! I used Mike Menegus’ D7000 yesterday, which was fun to step away from the D-90 for a bit. Enjoy your Sunday all!


Image of the Day – Killing Me Softly

Taken yesterday at the IEMPG shoot, it reminds me of the song by Roberta Flack– Not sure if it is the low light- the sultry look or just the overall feel, but Eleanor Acosta is killing with the look for sure. The last time I worked with her was for the PsychoBettie clothing line shoot and she was Bride of Frankenstein- what a change, wouldn’t you say? It is a beautiful Sunday on the horizon- I do hope you enjoy yours.
