Image of the Day- Chardonnay!

Last set of grapes for the week, had to get a white variety in after so many reds!  🙂  These grapes were at Preston Winery and if you have not been to this winery, put it on your list.  It was somewhat out of the way, but well worth the drive.  Have a fabulous Thursday!!

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Image of the Day- Grapes, Grapes & More Grapes!

More grapes from Silver Oak in Napa, can you name this specific grape? At one time I had a list of every one of the images and what kind of grape it was, what winery- but over the past 10 years, this list definitely went by the wayside. It’s Wednesday people! Have a blast today!!

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Image of the Day- Grapes

Long ago & far away, I went on my very first trip to Napa, CA. I had never been, heard lots of stories about it and honestly was on a quest to see why there was such a rage of Pinot Noir. The movie Sideway’s was a huge hit at the time- I didn’t really like Merlot either, but wanted a red I could stomach. You just can’t prepare yourself for the beauty of driving up the CA coastline- and then the craziness of the daily traffic and visitors of Napa. The wines are all different and each insanely good. For the next week- I am going to feature some images from Napa- the first being of these very pretty grapes taken in the vineyard of Silver Oak Winery. Enjoy for your Tuesday morning!

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Image of the Day- Fabulous Friday!

It is such a beautiful day outside and makes you want to just stop and smell the flowers- enjoy this day, as someone once told me this is the only time you will have this particular day. As always, MKS Images wants to thank every single person that supports us while we live our dream! Thank you all- Kathleen


Image of the Day-The Wedding Brunch

This weekend was spent in Napa with my bestie Maiko- attending the celebration of Rich & Laura and their commitment to spend the rest of their lives together. This morning we spent time at a brunch in their beautiful backyard. The bride made these special table decorations and I could not resist- got out the camera and shot a few. Hope you enjoy & Happy Sunday!!
