Image of the Day- Saturday Solitude

Another image from Sedona, this one is from the upper part of Oak Creek- I have done this hike every time I go to Sedona whether it is winter, summer, spring, fall and each time it is different and just as beautiful as the time before. This particular time it was quite challenging for me & Maiko to navigate due to so much ice under the snow. I recall loosing something, maybe my sunglasses? But doesn’t really matter at this point- the memories made last forever and I do love the few images I was able to obtain.

Enjoy & get out in the sunshine today- it is beautiful and much better than being cooped up in the house!


Image of the Day – Zen

On this beautiful Thursday morning, another gift from God, I am taking myself and you back to my trip to Sedona for New Years weekend 2012-2013. I was there with my best friend in the world, the ying to my yang- my sister- my wing man, my Maiko. This beautiful hike coming from the back of Cathedral Rock along Oak Creek is my very favorite place in Sedona. This morning it calms my soul and hope you love it as well.


Image of the Day- Red & Blue

I absolutely love Sedona and everything about it- the red rocks… the crazy aura that falls all over the City, the vortex areas, Crystal shops- pink jeeps everywhere… and this particular spot is my very favorite all places there. It is a back trail on the way to Cathedral Rock and I was with my best Friend Maiko during a New Year’s weekend. So special to me as well as the photo. Enjoy your Tuesday!


Image of the Day-Hiking through Sedona

Image of the Day- the back path in Sedona.  This shot was taken on the hiking trail the in back part of Cathedral Rock.  It is by far my favorite place in Sedona.  This particular part of the trail comes down by Oak Creek and has a pretty popular vortex area on the other side of the river.  Very peaceful at every time of the year.  Enjoy!
