Image of the Day- Let it Snow!

Overlooking a sleepy snowy area of Austria- the beauty of black & white in photography always shines when there is snow involved. This is the last of the series for the Austria/Germany trip. I hope you have enjoyed them. Happy Hump Day!


Image of the Day – Bavaria

Reading the reports this morning- quite a bit of snow & ice everywhere, except here in San Diego where we have a light rain falling. Getting ready to start another week and up at a crazy time to get that daily workout in. This image was taken in Bavaria and was processed in Topaz- I like it in black & white instead of color just because of the snow in the trees, buildings, etc.

Happy Monday all! Now go out and make a difference.


Image of the Day- Lovely Lucerne

A view of the slightly “cold” Lucerne, Switzerland and the beautiful bridges crossing the water.  I love how the blue haze comes through like it did in New Zealand in the winter.  Image taken by TJ and processed by MKS- this is a beautiful way to start my Friday morning.  Another week in the books guys- and I get a 3 day weekend.  🙂  Hope you all have a fabulous day!


Image of the Day – Red & White

Taken on the Broken Arrow trail in Sedona, Arizona- me and my best friend spent a few days there for New Year’s holiday at the end of 2012- coming up on two years since I found that peace to make a life changing decision. Hard to believe we are almost at the end of yet another week and getting solid into November. Have a wonderful Thursday everyone and please remember to share our posts for your chance at the next drawing for a free landscape image when we reach our next milestone!
