Image of the Day- Peace

Nothing more peaceful to me than watching the sun set.  And for some reason the sunsets in Hawaii are always more beautiful than anywhere else.  Maybe due to the tropical breeze coming across the beach, island music playing and just the laughter and carefree sounds you hear around you.  This was our last sunset on the Big Island and was spent with two of my best friends.  Hope you enjoy!


Image of the Day- Beaches

esterday we spent a few hours at the beach with our North County Photographers & Models meet up group- we had a lot of new models come and this one in particular really reminded me of Natalie Portman in her early days. We had one model that was so eager to get in the water, it was just fun watching her play and have so much fun herself. One thing about living in Southern California, you can go to beautiful beaches and enjoy the beauty of the sun reflecting on the water and if you happen to have a beautiful bunch of models with you… even better! I used Mike Menegus’ D7000 yesterday, which was fun to step away from the D-90 for a bit. Enjoy your Sunday all!


Image of the Day – Smoke Gets in your Eyes

Today’s image is a landscape shot taken by Ron which we tried for several hours to get and honestly still never really got the shot we wanted. The things about volcano activity on an island, it makes for “Vog” and pretty much messes with the sunsets daily. In this image you can see the “smoke” effect in the foreground of the water and then the background the water is still rough. We were climbing all over crazy jutted black lava with tripods trying to get in the sweet spot and with the high tide coming in- one wrong move and you are toast!   Enjoy!


Image of the Day – Missing You

I will be shooting Fairies dancing & play in the park today… how are you spending your day?  🙂  My husband has been working out of town for 2 weeks and finally coming home tomorrow.  So today my image of the day is one that he took on our honeymoon last year in Maui.  I hope you all enjoy your Saturday-


Image of the Day – California Dreaming

Living in California has it’s advantages- especially in the summertime when the ocean is warm. Back a couple of weeks ago, the Inland Empire Models & Photographers Group had a meet up shoot under the pier in Oceanside. It was a beautiful afternoon/evening and the sunset did not disappoint. While taking this session with Breann Lynn, at one point she rolled over on her back and realized there were numerous people on the pier looking down at us and watching her. It was quite funny. Enjoy your Tuesday everyone!


Image of the Day – Finally Friday!

Another beginning to the weekend and another sunset shot from the Oceanside pier. This one was taken as the sun was really coming down on the opposite side of the pier from yesterdays image. Again this was tone mapped through Photomatix to give it an HDR effect. I like this one because it tends to be on the “darker” side but the color are still coming through.

Yesterday we had fun working with Allen Freeman of Afreeman Photography getting lessons on lighting, processing, lenses, etc and most of the shoot was a “Dark Beauty” shoot with one of our fav’s Kitty Von Rose- Great times and great lessons Allen- thanks!

Everyone, enjoy your Friday!


Image of the Day – California Sunsets

I have seen quite a few sunsets in my life and still am just so amazed by the beauty of them. One of the best things about living in Southern California is being able to actually take the time to drive to one of the beach towns and just enjoy the sunset. This past Saturday while at a photo shoot at Oceanside, the sunset was so beautiful that it made me stop what I was doing and just enjoy. This image was processed through tone mapping so it does bring out more color- since I am still learning the “sunset” shoot process- I needed a bit of help- hope you enjoy!


Image of the Day – Day of the Dead

We had a really fun photo shoot yesterday on the beach in San Diego and the theme was Day of the Dead- this is one of the images taken of Breann Lynn- and one of my favorites. Now for a few facts about the “Day of the Dead’ –

Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday observed throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico where the day is a bank holiday. The celebration takes place on October 31, November 1 and November 2, in connection with the triduum of Allhallowtide: All Hallows’ Eve, Hallowmas, and All Souls’ Day.[1][2] Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars called ofrendas, honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts. They also leave possessions of the deceased.

Scholars trace the origins of the modern Mexican holiday to indigenous observances dating back hundreds of years and to an Aztec festival dedicated to the goddess Mictecacihuatl. The holiday has spread throughout the world. In Brazil Dia de Finados is a public holiday that many Brazilians celebrate by visiting cemeteries and churches. In Spain there are festivals and parades and, at the end of the day, people gather at cemeteries and pray for their dead loved ones. Similar observances occur elsewhere in Europe, and similarly themed celebrations appear in many Asian and African cultures.

Start of a new week- let’s make it memorable!


Image of the Day – Memories

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with the Inland Empire Models & Photographers Group and we had a meet up shoot at the Oceanside Pier for a Fun in the Sun themed shoot. We finished the night with dinner at Ruby’s on the pier and I realized that was actually my first time on the Oceanside Pier in the 17 years I have lived here. We had such a fun dinner together- me,Breann LynnAlaina Rose Lee and by reflector bitch Bobbie Lynn- messing with the waiter (he had a thing for Alaina) and just laughing so freaking hard. I must say again, how very blessed my life is to have such fabulous friends and family- I call this one memories because when I look at it, I want to remember the fun of the day- it is rough, because I need to practice at sunsets- but it is still pretty. Have a fabulous Sunday and go make some memories!


Image of the Day- Trash the Dress

Yesterday we made a trip up to my favorite beach in California- Huntington Beach. It was a fun shoot with Envy Sage, Breann Lynn and Whendii to get some images for two upcoming magazine themes. While there, Envy had a little admirer we were told was age 11- he wanted his photo made with Envy and when he went over to get with her in the water, he very boldly put his hand on her tush and then wanted a kiss from her!! He was too cute! This is one of the group shots at the end of the Trash the Dress session- hope you enjoy!
