Image of the Day- Saturday Solitude

Another image from Sedona, this one is from the upper part of Oak Creek- I have done this hike every time I go to Sedona whether it is winter, summer, spring, fall and each time it is different and just as beautiful as the time before. This particular time it was quite challenging for me & Maiko to navigate due to so much ice under the snow. I recall loosing something, maybe my sunglasses? But doesn’t really matter at this point- the memories made last forever and I do love the few images I was able to obtain.

Enjoy & get out in the sunshine today- it is beautiful and much better than being cooped up in the house!


Image of the Day- Bridge to Somewhere

Another image from the beautiful Swiss city of Lucerne. This features more of the bridge that the town is quite famous for. A few facts about the bridge from Wikipedia:

Since the city straddles the Reuss River where it drains the lake, it has a number of bridges. The most famous is the Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke), a 204 m (669 ft) long wooden covered bridge originally built in 1333, the oldest covered bridge in Europe, although much of it had to be replaced after a fire on 18 August 1993, allegedly caused by a discarded cigarette. Part way across, the bridge runs by the octagonal Water Tower (Wasserturm), a fortification from the 13th century. Inside the bridge are a series of paintings from the 17th century depicting events from Lucerne’s history. The Bridge with its Tower is the city’s most famous landmark.

Here’s to your Saturday and Valentine’s day! For me, I will be spending the evening watching two of my very favorite burlesque performers tonight- Eva Mae Garnet Burly-q​ & Valentina On the Rocks Burlesque​- can’t wait!!


Image of the Day- Lovely Lucerne

A view of the slightly “cold” Lucerne, Switzerland and the beautiful bridges crossing the water.  I love how the blue haze comes through like it did in New Zealand in the winter.  Image taken by TJ and processed by MKS- this is a beautiful way to start my Friday morning.  Another week in the books guys- and I get a 3 day weekend.  🙂  Hope you all have a fabulous day!


Image of the Day- Some Beach

I feel very cold this morning so felt like something from the beach would warm me up!   In just two weeks we will be in Hawaii celebrating our anniversary and will most definitely have my toes in the sand chilling. Which is funny considering where I live and the beach access within an hour. I hope you enjoy your start to the holiday week- and keep warm!

South Island NZ 025-Edit

Image of the Day- Feels Like Winter

I had a heck of a time sleeping last night, and then when I woke up this morning it feels like winter in the house. So I thought I would use one of the old images again with frost on the trees, blue haze laying on the ground from the road to Mt Aspiring in New Zealand. Hoping you all have a wonderful start to your week- for me, hoping this one is not a repeat from last week.


Image of the Day – Blue Haze

This is still one of my favorite images of all time, taken in New Zealand on the road to Mt Aspiring. This blue haze was everywhere and just looked amazing. You can see how magical this place is and why they would film all of the Lord of the Rings series in the beautiful country. Put it on your bucket list and visit both islands. Take my word for it, you will not be disappointed. Happy Wednesday!!


Image of the Day – Frozen

I woke up this morning feeling like winter hit over night! It was cold in the house due to the heater not set, Jolie needed to go outside and I set the alarm off!! LOL Oh well, such is life, I’m sure the neighbors appreciated the wake up call. This is from a day in New Zealand and shows a different type of frost than I typically saw in the south- and never see here in Southern California. Hope you all enjoy your Tuesday!
