Born to Die

2016 for me will bring many more pieces of art which are done using Infrared Photography- The series will be called “Life in Infrared” and will focus primarily on women. This concept all started due to my failure to charge all of the batteries for my D750 prior to a photo session with Eva Mae Garnet back in December. Since we had only been shooting for a very short time when all batteries failed on me, I pulled out the only back up camera I had- my D90 converted color infrared camera. Boy were we surprised at the pure beauty of the raw images straight from the camera-
This particular shot is one of my favorites of Eva Mae and is getting printed for the wall in my office- to remind me not only to always be prepared, but also that you just never know where the real art will come from- keep your eyes and mind completely open.
I call this one- “Born to Die”- smile emoticon Love you Eva Mae!


Image of the Day- Pretty in Pink!

Miss Sassy Stiletto and her beautiful pink fans are the shot for today- included in the Vintage Burlesque Magazine issue due out this weekend- this beautiful Burlesque dancer is quite the entertainer. I have seen her perform several times now and she is such a thrill to watch each & every time.

MUA- Sarah Rodriguez
Hair Bobbie Pins Beauty


Image of the Day- Kick it!

My #WCW this week goes to Caitlin Litzinger, my gorgeous friend, sexy burlesque dancer, model and actress. I always have fun with Caitlin on set and am very happy I made that first drive up to Claremont to shoot at the hair salon over a year ago with Fred’s group.

Here Caitlin was working with me on a Vintage Burlesque shoot- this special issue magazine is due out this weekend and there will be many more images of Caitlin along with many more of my Burlesque friends.

Hair- Bobbie Pins Beauty
MUA- Sarah Rodriguez

Enjoy your Wednesday!


Image of the Day- Birthday Boy!

Happy Birthday to this wonderful, extremely big hearted friend of mine- Dick DeLite! I have had so much fun with him over the past year and hope today is absolutely fabulous for him!

Hair- Bobbie Pins Beauty
MUA- Patricia Brakeman


Image of the Day- Fireworks!

Today is my Friday and with the week it has been- boy am I ready for it! As a prelude to 4th of July, I am presenting this little fire-cracker today for my showcase. Miss Lana Vic Sin always amazes me with the many looks she can bring to the lens. The first time I shot her was at the Whiskey A-Go-Go way back last year and each & every time she mesmerizes me.

In her Vintage Burlesque costume showing off her amazing artwork- you must admit it is a great way to start a 3-day weekend.

Model- Lana Vic Sin
Hair- Bobbie Pins Beauty
MUA- Vanessa Borquez
Studio- Wonderland Studios


Image of the Day- Sassy!

My ‪#‎WCW‬ this time goes to the truly amazing Sassy Stiletto! Quite the entertainer as well as extremely stunning!

She is a member of the Drop Dead Dames Burlesque troupe and personally I always look forward to seeing just what she has in store for us at the shows. Check her out sometime here in San Diego- you can keep up with the shows at

MUA – Sarah Rodriguez
Hair- Bobbie Pin Beauty
Wardrobe- Sassy Stiletto
Studio- Wonderland Studios


Image of the Day- Mysterious!

One of my favorite burlesque dancers, Eva Mae Garnet in this image putting on her mysterious sexy side- I brought in some light leaks and vintage effect to give the shot a bit of fun.

Hope you enjoy your Tuesday and all it brings with it! Get out- breath- soak it in!


Image of the Day- Dottie!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today’s image is of the beautiful Dottie Deville. It has been processed through NIK Vintage software to add the light leaks, different color but still showcase Dottie and her beautiful vintage clothing.

Hair by Bobbie Pins Beauty
Make Up – Vanessa Borquez
Wardrobe- Dottie Deville

Enjoy your Wednesday! Get out there- live life!


Image of the Day – The Man!

For the Vintage Burlesque shoot Richie DeLite was my Fred Astaire. I had him trying all kinds of crazy dance moves and he is always so much fun to work with, because he totally gets in to the character he is asked to play.

For this shot I tried to give it the impression of a wide angle lens by shooting almost right in his face.

MUA – Patricia Brakeman
Hair- Bobbie Pins Beauty
Wardrobe- Model

Enjoy your Tuesday!


Image of the Day- Balance

Ever had issues with balance in your life? I do all the time because I am notorious for saying yes to too many things- and then I don’t make the time to spend on myself. Don’t get me wrong, I have lots of fun- but the thing I keep doing day in & day out is not take that one hour of the day to spend on me with fitness, health, etc.

This photo of the beautiful Lana Vic Sin taken at the Vintage shoot last month reminds me of that. I love that she can balance the way she does even in stilettos- MUA is Vanessa Borquez- Hair by Bobbie Pins Beauty- Vintage wardrobe by Model

Enjoy your Friday!
