Image of the Day- Friday Fantasy!

Thank god- the weekend is finally here!- It has been a long week, first week of trying to get my healthy side back- which means no alcohol… which equates to no wine at night for me after dinner. But on the good side- I do feel much better and hopefully this will continue to a better healthy me.

This image is of the sexy ballerina and Dick DeLite from the recent “Inked” shoot for Art & Soul Photography Project- enjoy!

Model: Vikki Fahrenheit
Hair- Virginia Green
MU- Stefeney Paige

Model- Dick DeLite
Hair- Virginia Green
MU- Unikly Loved MUA


Image of the Day – Just Dance!

Back in the Fred & Ginger days, all of the really cool movies had these beautiful dance scenes in them- gorgeous lines- flowing dresses- men with sweet tuxedo’s on – it was all very glamorous and we were mesmerized. Today’s image is of two of my favorite dancers- they are going to be part of the Vintage Burlesque magazine being put together and both are dancers for The Dirty Little Secrets Burlesque. Richie DeLite & Lana Vic Sin- Enjoy your Wednesday and your short week! Come on Saturday!!


Image of the Day- Just Dance!

Image of the Day- Just DANCE!

Super excited that I get to shoot with this beauty today. I met her almost a year ago and have loved every minute spent with her. When she is on that stage, she holds the entire audience in her hands. When she is in front of my camera, the lens does a happy dance.  smile emoticon

This particular shot was taken at the Drop Dead Dames Burlesque Revue show in San Diego this past Valentine’s Day. I honestly believe that her best work is when she mixes in some of Fosse and really knows the lines & the moves that he made so famous. 

Sneak peeks later today- in the meantime- Dance! It is Saturday!!

Model: Valentina On the Rocks Burlesque


Image of the Day- Princess Di

Another from the series at Balboa Park of “Gone too Soon”, Valentina On the Rocks Model chose the late Princess Diana. She did a lot of research and one of the things that really hit her was the time that Diana practiced for so long to surprise her husband with a special dance. The story is he was quite embarrassed at her doing this and scolded her for not acting proper. There is an image of her during the performance and was probably one of the only times as Princess that she looked very happy. Here is an image of Valentina doing that dance. Enjoy your Thursday and to my fabulous husband- Happy Birthday Ron Shumate!!
