Image of the Day – Sexy Vintage

Another image from the Vintage Burlesque shoot, this is of the beautiful Bettie Toe Tag- she is part of The Dirty Little Secrets Burlesque​ troupe in the Orange County area and they perform in several places each month. You can find a list of the upcoming shows on their site. Bettie is a crazy great make up artist- and even though she worked her magic on some the day of the shoot- she also worked her magic on the camera. Her MU was her own creation- Hair by Bobbie Pins Beauty and wardrobe was also the model’s. My #WCW of this week.

Have a fabulous day and just enjoy it!


Image of the Day- Danger!

While shooting at Lucerne Valley- in one home there is a message on the wall to “Watch 4 Scorpions” We found it funny because Breann Lynn is a Scorpio, and so therefore we had to take her photo by the sign. Dressed in Vintage wear, looking mighty sexy- you are warned!

Have a fabulous Tuesday!


Image of the Day- Raw

For today’s image, I decided to go to the sexy side and post one of the Natural Light images taken of Whendii during one of my trips to Los Angeles. This was in my hotel room and taken with my 50mm lens with just the light from the alley coming in. I loved that she brought red with her, as it really stands out in the low light.

I will be setting up sessions to do quite a bit more of this type of shoot for the coming year. Interested? Let me know.

For now… enjoy Whendii!



Image of the Day- Red

Today while the hubby was doing his thing… I was doing mine in the hotel room with Whendii! I wanted to experiment with Natural Light using my new camera. Now for some reason the raw images have decided they do not want to read at all in lightroom, photo shop, etc- but I had the second card that was automatically saving them in jpg- so salvaged all of them until I can figure out what the heck is going on with the cards- this image I really like as a sneak peek of the set. It was a fun fast session- and even at that I shot almost 400 images! HAHA… Enjoy!!
