Image of the Day- Chardonnay!

Last set of grapes for the week, had to get a white variety in after so many reds!  🙂  These grapes were at Preston Winery and if you have not been to this winery, put it on your list.  It was somewhat out of the way, but well worth the drive.  Have a fabulous Thursday!!

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Image of the Day- Crazy fun at the Deer Park Winery/Museum

These crazy girls were so much fun to work with- both are being published in future editions of the magazine Bittersweet Beauties- We spent the day at this amazing Winery/Museum taking photos in all three buildings full of vintage cars, TV’s, Radios- you name it, they have it.  And what better accent than a beautiful pin up model or two?  Enjoy!


Image of the Day-The Wedding Brunch

This weekend was spent in Napa with my bestie Maiko- attending the celebration of Rich & Laura and their commitment to spend the rest of their lives together. This morning we spent time at a brunch in their beautiful backyard. The bride made these special table decorations and I could not resist- got out the camera and shot a few. Hope you enjoy & Happy Sunday!!
