Image of the Day- Dottie!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today’s image is of the beautiful Dottie Deville. It has been processed through NIK Vintage software to add the light leaks, different color but still showcase Dottie and her beautiful vintage clothing.

Hair by Bobbie Pins Beauty
Make Up – Vanessa Borquez
Wardrobe- Dottie Deville

Enjoy your Wednesday! Get out there- live life!


Image of the Day – Tuesday Teaser

This past Sunday- two of the Bracketeers worked on a Vintage Burlesque shoot for a special issue that showcases the beauty of these current Burlesque performers along with their vintage costumes- here is a sneak peek of one of the beautiful dancers- Dottie Deville- MUA Vanessa Borquez – Hair by Bobbie Pins Beauty —


Image of the Day- Raw Beauty!

Sharing this one as my image of the day as I truly love it and I am trying to get myself out of here for the Star Wars convention! 🙂 I know I previously shared earlier in the week in an album of several sneak peeks for the model, but this one really jumps out at me each & every time I look at it.

I feel it really brings in her raw beauty and the red gown & shoes pop with the sunlight behind her.

Love this, love this girl! Happy Saturday!


Image of the Day- Just Dance!

Image of the Day- Just DANCE!

Super excited that I get to shoot with this beauty today. I met her almost a year ago and have loved every minute spent with her. When she is on that stage, she holds the entire audience in her hands. When she is in front of my camera, the lens does a happy dance.  smile emoticon

This particular shot was taken at the Drop Dead Dames Burlesque Revue show in San Diego this past Valentine’s Day. I honestly believe that her best work is when she mixes in some of Fosse and really knows the lines & the moves that he made so famous. 

Sneak peeks later today- in the meantime- Dance! It is Saturday!!

Model: Valentina On the Rocks Burlesque
