Image of the Day- Goddess

For #TBT a shot of one of my fabulous friends that has done a total transformation over the past few years. When I first met her, she was like me, struggling with her weight and just trying to figure out what really works for her and what is a “fad” – Well, introducing my all time favorite biggest loser- Danila Martinez and how she looks today. Total “DAAAUMMM” girl! Love you Dee!


Image of the Day- Pensive

Alaina Rose Lee has many looks and over the past year of shooting with her, I have watched her grow in so many ways. She has become like a daughter to me and just seeing her beautiful smile can totally light up a room.

In this image that was caught while another photographer was setting up the bath to shoot with her, it appears she is in deep thought- maybe about the entire day of shooting- or even that she is freezing her ass off in that milk! Whatever the case- I just love this girl. 

MUAH – Julianne Joi

Enjoy your Thursday!


Image of the Day- Sunday Morning Coming Down

Last of the series from Sedona in 2012- this is another shot of Oak Creek but from the other direction. I heard this song back in 1976 as sung by Kris Kristofferson and even though I was very young- totally got where the song was coming from. Here is the first part of the song where you can see what I mean- this is really where I was in life as far as emotions when this image was taken- now today, I am thankfully on the other side, very happy- but when I see this image- it does take me back to that time.

Well, I woke up Sunday morning
With no way to hold my head that didn’t hurt.
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn’t bad,
So I had one more for dessert.
Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes
And found my cleanest dirty shirt.
Then I washed my face and combed my hair
And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.

I’d smoked my mind the night before
With cigarettes and songs I’d been picking.
But I lit my first and watched a small kid
Playing with a can that he was kicking.
Then I walked across the street
And caught the Sunday smell of someone frying chicken.
And Lord, it took me back to something that I’d lost
Somewhere, somehow along the way.

On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
I’m wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
‘Cause there’s something in a Sunday
That makes a body feel alone.
And there’s nothing short a’ dying
That’s half as lonesome as the sound
Of the sleeping city sidewalk
And Sunday morning coming down.

Thank you Kris for those very emotional lyrics!


Image of the Day- Saturday Solitude

Another image from Sedona, this one is from the upper part of Oak Creek- I have done this hike every time I go to Sedona whether it is winter, summer, spring, fall and each time it is different and just as beautiful as the time before. This particular time it was quite challenging for me & Maiko to navigate due to so much ice under the snow. I recall loosing something, maybe my sunglasses? But doesn’t really matter at this point- the memories made last forever and I do love the few images I was able to obtain.

Enjoy & get out in the sunshine today- it is beautiful and much better than being cooped up in the house!


Image of the Day- Red

One of the most beautiful places on this planet is Sedona, AZ.  I have been there many times and each time my mind & body get completely refreshed.  The beauty of the rocks, sunset, creeks, sunrise- pink jeeps traveling everywhere- the spirit that just grabs you the minute you get to town.  This image is from my last trip there with my best friend Maiko- we were at Broken Arrow enjoying the snowstorm from the night before mixed with the beauty of the red rocks.  Hope you enjoy for your Tuesday!


Image of the Day – Full Steam Ahead!

Taken a while back- I am just now getting through the images from a fun day off from the day job spent at the Antique Gas & Steam Museum with Kitty Von RoseBreann Lynn & Allen Freeman. This image taken of Breann was processed through a retro matte collection I have in L/R- I love the vintage feel the image has from it. And the flatness instead of high gloss- She has her gun and she is in the middle of some pretty amazing steam engines from years past- for those that live in Southern California- this place should be on your bucket list!

Enjoy your Sunday- we are shooting some pretty spectacular Cosplay today!


Image of the Day – Naughty!

Another of the fine art series, this was taken late last year of the amazing Sizzling SweetPea​- as you can see in the image, this one made the “naughty” list! I will be setting up several shoots in the next few weeks for this type of genre- most likely up in the Orange county/Los Angeles area so stay tuned on the posting of the dates. I have been very lucky to work with the beautiful model quite a few times in the past year. She is beautiful on the inside and out and honestly has such a huge heart. Now a member of the pin up group The Luscious Ladies​- expect to see a lot from her in the coming year!! Enjoy your Thursday and my “naughty” image!


Image of the Day- Morning!

Another image from the Natural Light session with Whendii this past weekend.  Have figured out very quickly the need to get at least one Landscape day in each month- as about 50% of the fan base are partial to Landscape instead of models.  But for today, we are focusing on the female body and the beauty of it.  I tried to bring a different color in on this image by using a sheet the model brought from home- you can still see the natural reflection the white cover on the bed gives to the model and overall the room is darker except for the light coming from the window.  So happy today is Wednesday, it has been a long week so far!  Enjoy!
