Image of the Day- Saturday Solitude

Another image from Sedona, this one is from the upper part of Oak Creek- I have done this hike every time I go to Sedona whether it is winter, summer, spring, fall and each time it is different and just as beautiful as the time before. This particular time it was quite challenging for me & Maiko to navigate due to so much ice under the snow. I recall loosing something, maybe my sunglasses? But doesn’t really matter at this point- the memories made last forever and I do love the few images I was able to obtain.

Enjoy & get out in the sunshine today- it is beautiful and much better than being cooped up in the house!


Image of the Day- Solitude

Today we do a WCW for MKS Images.  This was the very first shoot we had with the beautiful Kitty Von Rose​ and it is still one of my very favorites.  The profile shot we use was from that very same day and of Kitty herself.  Kitty is one of The Luscious Ladies​ as well and the group is comprised of some very talented, compassionate and very strong ladies with chapters in several states.  Please check out Kitty as well as the Luscious Ladies and show them both some love.  For me, I will be off the grid for the most part for the next few days as I have a convention in San Francisco that I am the official photographer for.  Everyone have a fabulous week!
